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We provide a choice of a total services, some services or even just one service depending on your needs. By providing a total service in which we manage everything I.T. for you we eliminate the need to remember who manages what for you and you simply need to contact us for anything I.T. related. Below is a list of some of our services we have provided to current and past customers. If you require any other services please contact us by using our contact page.

ServiceIntended ClientOverview
I.T. ManagementBusinessPartial or total management of your system
Cloud ServicesBusinessFlexible and reliable cloud services
VirtualisatonBusinessExperts in Virtualisation we can provide any services related to Virtualisation
System AdministrationBusinessSystem administration for your organisation. Ease the burden on your I.T. team and leave it to us
System Design/RedesignBusinessPlace your next design/redesign in our hands for the right solution
I.T. SupportBusinessA key part to any I.T. team is support. We will also be more than happy to perform this task for your organisation
Home Tech SupportPersonalProviding support to home users was the first service offered and is a contiual service that will not vanish. This is offered as remote or in-home